New Look and updates

Greetings everyone,

Apologies for the year-long silence. Things have been… busy, to say the least. Let’s see we can best recap the entire year

– Taught 3DUI again at Columbia University. That was fun. We did a test-run with GoblinXNA on Windows Phone with 50+ students. They made some amazing applications, which can be seen here.

– I’ve released a comic book series, Torchbearer, through my company Odd Truth Inc. It’s Spy-Fi, combining elements of corporate espionage with science fiction! The overall premise is: “What would you do once corporations buy planets, star systems, entire galaxies?”. We released our print issue at NYCC! Issue 1 is available digitally now and issue 2 comes out at the end of November!

– The Beyond the Surface project has progressed far along that we’re now plugging in data and will begin to carry out user studies at the end of the year!

Ohan Oda, creator of GoblinXNA, has graduated! Which means that yours truly, along with Mengu Sukan, will assume responsibilities of further development of GoblinXNA.

Dedual Enterprises is accepting  contract jobs for mobile app development, specializing in Windows Phone and iOS development.

Needless to say, I’ve become a bit of a nite owl. But, it’s all been fun! I’ll do my best to maintain everyone in the loop.

Also, I noticed that the website was due its yearly UI update, so here we go. Hope you enjoy it!


-Nick D.